
Thermoelectric Converison Systems

Hybrid energy system for clean cooking and electricity generation 

Partners: Thermoelectric Conversion Systems Limited (Lead), Conlons Kitchen, Cranfield University, Ibeda Nig Ltd, University Of Derby

Country: Nigeria, Ghana

Technology: Modern cooking

Stage: Mid

Stage: 9

This aim of this UK-Nigeria-Ghana mid-stage collaborative project is to optimise the concentrated-solar-power (CSP) and thermoelectric generator (TEG) hybrid energy system we developed in a previous project, testing and demonstrating them in relevant user environment. The system has clear benefits of providing both clean energy for cooking and off-grid electricity, addressing the energy access issue in the targeted countries.

The project will allow the UK consortium (Thermoelectric Conversion Systems, Cranfield University and University of Derby) to collaborate with a Nigerian company (IBEDA) and a Ghanian company (Conlons Kitchen) to optimise the design of the energy system, build demonstrators locally in Nigeria, field test its performance in rural communities of Nigeria and Ghana, conduct market research, and develop relevant GEIS and business models.