
Science Technology And Innovation For Development

LARA: Locally-Appropriate Rural Aquavoltaics for Cost Reduction and Increased Impact for Solar Energy Access in East Africa

Partners: Science Technology And Innovation For Development

Country: Tanzania

Technology: Next generation solar technologies and business models

Stage: Early

Stage: Round 10

Science Technology and Innovation for Development Ltd aims to address the challenges of solar productive-use power and mini-grid solutions in remote rural areas of Tanzania. The project will develop and test a simple and locally-appropriate approach: floating solar panels above specially-dug ponds. This will reduce the cost and complexity of mounting systems, increase the panel efficiency, and integrate aquaculture for local farmers.

Using low-cost and innovative technology, suitable for small rural mini-grids, the project will fill the gap left by expensive and complex marine solutions. It will also provide economic, social, and environmental benefits for the communities, such as increased income, food security, and reduced emissions, driving greater adoption of clean energy systems in Tanzania and beyond.