Enso Trading

Solar Energy for Cleaner, Safer Kitchens in Kenya REGION Kenya, Eastern Africa Technology Solar SECTOR Energy generation SCALE Household/Stand-alone STAGE Early ROUND Round 7

Nortech Management

Planning, integration and Control of mini-grids with Renewables and Energy Storage (Pi-CREST) REGION Nigeria, Western Africa Technology Other SECTOR Energy networks and systems SCALE Off

Tiwakiki Consulting

ISABET: Integrated Solar And Bio-Energy Technology for electricity supply in Nigeria REGION Nigeria, Western Africa Technology Solar SECTOR Energy generation SCALE Mini-Grid STAGE Mid ROUND

DWR Offshore

Floating Instream and Solar (FITS) Power Plant REGION Myanmar, South-East Asia Technology Hydro SECTOR Energy generation SCALE On Grid STAGE Mid ROUND Round 7


Affordable energy security through power stabilisation and voltage correction integrating flywheel energy storage solutions and renewable energy into the East African market REGION Kenya, Eastern


Development of a low-cost and easy to deploy solar thermal collector REGION Rwanda, Eastern Africa Technology Solar Thermal SECTOR Heat SCALE Household/Standalone STAGE Early ROUND

Open Energy Labs

Development of a mobile learning platform for training energy innovators in Zambia REGION Zambia, Southern Africa Technology Other SECTOR Energy networks and systems SCALE Off

Thin Metal Films

USPV Ultrasealing for Photovoltaics REGION India, Southern Asia Technology Solar SECTOR Energy generation SCALE Household/Stand-alone STAGE Early ROUND Round 7

Lambda Energy

Luminescent Downshifting to Improve PV Efficiency in Regions with High Solar Irradiance and potential impact on off-grid solar in Sub-Saharan Africa REGION Zambia, Southern Africa


A Self-contained Solar-Hydro Micro Power Plant for Uninterrupted Supply in all Weather Conditions REGION Bangladesh, Southern Asia TECHNOLOGY Hydro SECTOR Energy generation SCALE Mini-Grid STAGE