Hybrid Gasification

In response to an unmet need of a low-cost, secure and sustainable supply of cooking-gas to the rural and deprived regions of Pakistan, Hybrid Gasification Ltd UK (HGL) in collaboration with Durham University UK (DU) and Global Engineering and Marketing Pakistan (GEM) are developing a gasification technology ‘GAS-SCRIPt’ which utilises agricultural and household waste as feedstock to produce high calorific value (20MJ per m3) clean cooking syngas (Mixture of H2, CH4, CO and CO2).

Through this 12 month project, the consortium will prove the feasibility of designing, building and testing a 10kg per hr throughput electrically heated pyrolysis system for the gasification of agriculture residues and household waste into syngas and biochar. The plant will be installed and tested at a testing site (Rangeenpur, Lahore, Pakistan) and electricity needs of the GAS-SCRIPt operations will be fully met by solar powered generator.