
Sure Chill

Powering the Future: Revolutionising Access and Efficiency through Integrated and Sustainable Energy Solutions

Partners: The Sure Chill Company

Country: Nigeria

Technology: Next generation solar technologies and business models

Stage: Late

Stage: Round 10

SureChill and GreenPower Overseas Ltd are experts in off-grid refrigeration and power solutions. The companies partnered to launch the “Powering the Future,” initiative to provide reliable, clean, and affordable cooling and lighting to underserved communities in Nigeria. The initiative offers two solutions: the first combines the SureChill SDD fridge energy harvesting system with a Solar Home System (SHS) to optimise energy use and provide electricity access. The second integrates the energy harvesting system, remote controller, and a unique payment model into an Energy Management System Control Hub, giving users real-time control over energy consumption, remote access to appliances, and flexible payment options. With support from Energy Catalyst, both solutions will be tested, validated, and developed to measure efficiency and effectiveness, to empower underserved communities and support a just and inclusive clean energy transition.