Natural Synergies

Natural Synergies Ltd (NS) Industrial Research project “Technical/Societal Innovation for Delivering Community Wide Affordable Cylindered CBG for Cooking and Sustainable Fertiliser” is to establish new data and knowledge, which would eventually lead to establishing a demonstration waste to energy process based around an advanced anaerobic digestion treatment process that has been developed by NS.

NS together with project partners, are involved in a project that concerns advanced pre-treatment and processing of faecal sludge and organic waste, providing enhanced, efficient energy security/generation, utilising locally available resource and GHG emission savings. NS aims in this Industrial Research project, to develop a stand-alone enhanced energy pre-processing technology, for rural and peri-urban locations in developing countries.increasing the efficiency of energy generation for the supply of affordable clean energy, for cooking and transport to the local community, and for the production and supply of a sustainable source of fertiliser to local farmers.

The decentralised and localised waste to energy plant, will also serve as a low cost faecal sludge management system and organic waste treatment facility, preventing the dumping of waste into waterways and land, providing benefits to both the environment and health to the local community. This will lead to establishing a circular economy for waste treatment with close co-operation between the energy plant operator and the local community.